Processing math: 100%

Most Neural Networks Are Almost Learnable

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Amit Daniely, Nati Srebro, Gal Vardi


We present a PTAS for learning random constant-depth networks. We show that for any fixed ϵ>0 and depth i, there is a poly-time algorithm that for any distribution on dSd1 learns random Xavier networks of depth i, up to an additive error of ϵ. The algorithm runs in time and sample complexity of (ˉd)poly(ϵ1), where ˉd is the size of the network. For some cases of sigmoid and ReLU-like activations the bound can be improved to (ˉd)polylog(ϵ1), resulting in a quasi-poly-time algorithm for learning constant depth random networks.