Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Vladimir Braverman, Shaofeng Jiang, Robert Krauthgamer, Xuan Wu
We provide the first coreset for clustering points in Rd that have multiple missing values (coordinates). Previous coreset constructions only allow one missing coordinate. The challenge in this setting is that objective functions, like \kMeans, are evaluated only on the set of available (non-missing) coordinates, which varies across points. Recall that an ϵ-coreset of a large dataset is a small proxy, usually a reweighted subset of points, that (1+ϵ)-approximates the clustering objective for every possible center set.Our coresets for k-Means and k-Median clustering have size (jk)O(min, where n is the number of data points, d is the dimension and j is the maximum number of missing coordinates for each data point. We further design an algorithm to construct these coresets in near-linear time, and consequently improve a recent quadratic-time PTAS for k-Means with missing values [Eiben et al., SODA 2021] to near-linear time.We validate our coreset construction, which is based on importance sampling and is easy to implement, on various real data sets. Our coreset exhibits a flexible tradeoff between coreset size and accuracy, and generally outperforms the uniform-sampling baseline. Furthermore, it significantly speeds up a Lloyd's-style heuristic for k-Means with missing values.