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The Semi-Random Satisfaction of Voting Axioms

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)

Bibtex Paper Reviews And Public Comment » Supplemental


Lirong Xia


We initiate the work towards a comprehensive picture of the worst average-case satisfaction of voting axioms in semi-random models, to provide a finer and more realistic foundation for comparing voting rules. We adopt the semi-random model and formulation in [Xia 2020], where an adversary chooses arbitrarily correlated ground truth'' preferences for the agents, on top of which random noises are added. We focus on characterizing the semi-random satisfaction of two well-studied voting axioms: Condorcet criterion and participation. We prove that for any fixed number of alternatives, when the number of voters n is sufficiently large, the semi-random satisfaction of the Condorcet criterion under a wide range of voting rules is 1, 1exp(Θ(n)), Θ(n0.5), exp(Θ(n)), or being Θ(1) and 1Θ(1) at the same time; and the semi-random satisfaction of participation is 1Θ(n0.5). Our results address open questions by Berg and Lepelley in 1994, and also confirm the following high-level message: the Condorcet criterion is a bigger concern than participation under realistic models.