Multi-objective Maximization of Monotone Submodular Functions with Cardinality Constraint

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018)

Bibtex Metadata Paper Reviews Supplemental


Rajan Udwani


We consider the problem of multi-objective maximization of monotone submodular functions subject to cardinality constraint, often formulated as $\max_{|A|=k}\min_{i\in\{1,\dots,m\}}f_i(A)$. While it is widely known that greedy methods work well for a single objective, the problem becomes much harder with multiple objectives. In fact, Krause et al.\ (2008) showed that when the number of objectives $m$ grows as the cardinality $k$ i.e., $m=\Omega(k)$, the problem is inapproximable (unless $P=NP$). On the other hand, when $m$ is constant Chekuri et al.\ (2010) showed a randomized $(1-1/e)-\epsilon$ approximation with runtime (number of queries to function oracle) $n^{m/\epsilon^3}$. %In fact, the result of Chekuri et al.\ (2010) is for the far more general case of matroid constant. We focus on finding a fast and practical algorithm that has (asymptotic) approximation guarantees even when $m$ is super constant. We first modify the algorithm of Chekuri et al.\ (2010) to achieve a $(1-1/e)$ approximation for $m=o(\frac{k}{\log^3 k})$. This demonstrates a steep transition from constant factor approximability to inapproximability around $m=\Omega(k)$. Then using Multiplicative-Weight-Updates (MWU), we find a much faster $\tilde{O}(n/\delta^3)$ time asymptotic $(1-1/e)^2-\delta$ approximation. While the above results are all randomized, we also give a simple deterministic $(1-1/e)-\epsilon$ approximation with runtime $kn^{m/\epsilon^4}$. Finally, we run synthetic experiments using Kronecker graphs and find that our MWU inspired heuristic outperforms existing heuristics.