Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper is related with the problem of demand
estimation in multi-heterogeneous agents, specifically, to classify agents
and estimate preferences of each agent type using agents’ ranking data of
different alternatives. The problem is important since it has great
practical value in studying underlying preference distributions of
multiple agents. To tackle the problem, the authors introduce generalized
random utility models (GRUM), provide RJMCMC algorithms for parameter
estimation in GRUM and theoretically establish conditions for
identifiability for the model. Experimental results on both synthetic and
real dataset show the model’s effectiveness.
In general, this
paper is a comprehensive and solid work. Not only does it provide a
detailed algorithm for parameter estimation in the model, as well as
experiments to verify it, but also it gives non-trivial theoretical
analysis for the conditions of model’s identifiability. I have gone
through most of the lengthy proof and to my knowledge found no bugs.
Therefore even though the GRUM model has been proposed in an earlier work
in UAI, which decreases the innovation of this work by some content, I
think this paper deserves to be accepted.
Some minor suggestions:
1) The authors should clarify the relation of their work with the
original GRUM models, including what the former works have done, and what
needs to be analyzed more deeply (such as analysis of identifiability).
These should be included in Related Literature. 2) To verify the
effectiveness of the new model, the experiments’ scale can be more
enlarged, since setting K=4 and L=3 (these two corresponds to feature
number) includes too little information of agents and alternatives.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
The paper studies an important problem, and the
proposal is solid. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper addresses the problem of identifying the
type of each agents from his/her partial preference data, in order to use
this information to better estimate the underlying preferences for each
type. The authors propose a Generalized RUM to model the behavior of such
clustered agents. A reversible jump MCMC technique is used to estimate the
latent variables, including the types of the agents. A theoretical
analysis of the identifiability of the model and uni-modality of the
likelihood posterior are presented.
There are
three contributions of this paper. The new GRUM model, theoretical
analysis, and inference algorithm. The model is a generalization of RUM
model to multiple agents with types, which is new. Theoretical guarantees
are interesting, but have limitations discussed below in the significance
section. The inference algorithm is quite standard and the numerical
analysis is not impressive, either on the simulated data or the real world
datasets. Only the performance of estimating the number of clusters is
addressed, while the main problem is in clustering agents. A much more
relevant numerical simulation would be simulating how the number of
misclustering depends on problem parameters such as number of clusters,
how much the matrix W differ between clusters, missing data, etc.
Some claims could be better explained.
page 2, it is not clear what the authors mean by the first paragraph of
section 1.1. Which aspects of the model eliminates unrealistic
substitution patterns? and avoid the situation where removing the top
choices result in the same alternative choice?
On page 2, it is
not clear from the numerical results that "the clustering of types
provides a better fit to real world data".
On page 5, in the
definition of `nice' pdfs, $\phi^{(n)}(x)$ is used without proper
definition, which makes the conditions difficult to understand. For
instance, given \phi is a pdf, g_n should be non-negative. But
g_n(x1)/g_n(x_2) converges to -1.
The definition of `nice' cdf's
is not intuitive and no explanation is given as to why the model might not
be identifiable if noise cdf is not `nice'.
On page 7, it is
claimed that "It can be seen that GRUM with 3 types has significantly
better performance than...". However, from the table, it seems like the
gain is only marginal. How significant is the gain of 2~3 % in the log
This paper extends the definition
of RUM model to the setting where there are multiple alternatives and
multiple agents. The correlation between the agents are modelled via types
that an agent belongs to. RJ-MCMC approach seems to be quite standard.
The main results on the theoretical
guarantees are interesting, but the application is limited. For theorem 1,
unimodality is only established when the types are known (as clearly
explained in the paper). This limits the convergence of MCMC approach, and
it is not clear how long one should run the MCMC in practice. This paper
does not explain why the proposed problem is difficult. Why has this
problem not been addresses so far, as the authors claim? Further, because
there is no comparisons either in theoretical results or numerical
results, it is difficult to judge how good the proposed algorithm is.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
Theoretical guarantees are interesting, but has
limitations. A comparison to fundamental limit or other approaches is
lacking, either in theory or simulations. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
the paper discussed random utility models with
"Types". The definition of "type" in this work is the formula that
combines agent's attributes with those of a given alternative, giving
rise to a perceived value. It doesn't necessarily mean that two agents
of the same "type" have the same taste, or preference profile. In that
sense, this model is quite expressive. the observations are complete
rankings of the set of alternatives, as induced by the perceived valures.
Aside from defining this model, the theoretical contribution, as
far as I can see, is as follows: (1) identifiability of the model in
case the types are known (2) identifiability of the model in case of
unobserved types for a certain class of cdfs governing the noise.
The algorithmic contribution is a RJMCMC heuristic for recovering
the model parameters from the observations. Experiments contain both
synthetic data and data from a sushi response experiment from [26].
Strengths --------- This model is new, as far as I know.
The sushi experiments somewhat justifies it because the best fit comes
from assuming 3 "types", and not just "1". (see also my remark below).
The identifiability result (2) is intesting [note that identifiability
result (1) is not very surprising - it is basically the same as the
full rank requirement in linear regression].
---------- 1. Although the model is original, I am not sure I see
why latent "types" are better than, say, assuming that each individual
and each alternative have some more features that are latent. This is
basically what you often do in collaborative filtering. From a
computational point of view this would give a non-convex optimization
problem, but then, so is the model here. It would have been nice to
compare both approaches.
2. In section 1.2 you say that this paper
allows for inference at finer levels of aggregation such as the individual
level, whereas the cited works (e.g. [7]) do not. In the experiments
however, I don't see any attempt to showcase this finer inference
ability, and hence I conclude that you could have compared your results
with those cited in section 1.2 in some way. I mean, it is very nice
to know that the sushi data has best fit with 3 types, but this in no way
supports your claim on "individual level inference".
detailed comments ----------------- last paragraph
in page 1 (continuing on page 2) - Regarding the "unresolved issue" of
"restrictive functional assumptions about the distribution...". The
reader feels like this work is about to resolve this issue, but I
don't see how. don't you still make assumptions about the "taste shock"?
section 3.1: first sentence is very bad
last sentence on
page 4: which equality? put the equality in display math and refer to it
using \ref{}
last sentence on page 5: why is a theorem a problem?
page 6: "a enough"---> "enough"
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
random utility model with "types" with statistical
identifiability results, a proposed algorithm and experiments. model new,
some theoretical novelty, experiments a bit disappointing.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank all the reviewers for their insightful
comments. R: Reviewers’ Comment A: Authors’ response
Reviewer 1: R: This…model’s effectiveness.
R: In
general, this paper is a comprehensive and solid work…I think this paper
deserves to be accepted.
R: 1) The authors…
A: Thanks.
We will add some discussion on this point. A: At a high level –
previous GRUM models have not considered latent types. In considering
multiple types, a new inference procedure is required and model properties
such as identifiability need to be revisited. To the best of our knowledge
we are the first to study identifiability of a mixture model for partial
ranking data.
R: 2) To verify…
A: The choice of K=4
and L=3 is solely to be consistent with the Sushi data (the only publicly
available data set we have been able to identify for this kind of
inference) provides only K=4 and L=3 non categorical features. A:
However, we have completed synthetic experiment results with larger scales
for K and L and we can definitely add them.
Reviewer 2:
Quality R:There are three contributions...Missing data,etc.
A: Thanks. The data set (Sushi data) is the only publicly
available data set we have identified that has both full ranks (which we
can use to simulate partial ranks) and characteristics for both users and
A: We have tried some additional experiments focused
on interpreting the detected types and so forth, however, the sushi data
does not appear to have easily interpretable types.
A: Because of
this, we have focused in the paper on the flexibility of the model in
handling partial ranks and GRUM, and on the scalability of inference,
which is an improvement over former techniques in econometrics. Moreover,
we have collaboration with economists to extend and apply this work to
econometric settings.
Clarity R: On page 2…choice?
Thanks, we will clarify and provide a brief description. Modeling marginal
utilities as a function of the characteristics of alternatives leads to
agents' utilities to be correlated across alternatives with similar
characteristics. And the introduced correlation avoids unrealistic
substitution patterns.
R: On page 2...real world data".
We have applied the method to the sushi data set, and as presented in
table 1, clustering with 3 types has a significantly better log posterior,
which factors the effect of the growth in the size of parameters and plays
a similar role to measures such as AIC or BIC.
R: On page
5…converges to -1.
A: We will clarify. $\phi^{(n)}(x)$ stands for
the nth derivative of the pdf. This ratio can be negative.
R: The
definition…is not`nice'.
A: Thanks, we will add a more intuitive
description. Typical identifiability proofs use the tail behavior of the
distributions, however, in our case we are dealing with truncated
distributions and we use the Taylor expansion of the density to get a
limit argument using the number of components in the expansion. “nice”
distributions have Taylor expansion coefficients with specific growth as
described in the definition; e.g., Normal and exponential distributions
are “nice”.
R:On page7…log posterior?
A:The performance
difference between three types and one type is statistically significant
but small. We do not believe the Sushi data set is ideal --- the model is
developed for customer preference behavior in markets with more type
effects for example due to larger consumption decisions; e.g., in the car
industry, different types buy totally different cars depending on their
preferences in regard to factors such as the environment, size, and cost.
A: We are collaborating with economists to provide empirical
results on real world problems in an extension of this paper.
R: The main results on
the theoretical guarantees are interesting, but the application is
A: We expect to find applications in ongoing work – with
the growing amount of micro-level data on the ordinal preferences of
individuals, there are opportunities for collaborations with the economics
R: For theorem1…practice.
A: The speed will be
application dependent, but one good thing is that the method is
parallelizable for larger data sets. For example, similar parallelization
over agents and alternatives in Azari et al. NIPS12 can be used here as
R: This paper...Why has this problem not been addresses so
A: The BLP model is used a lot within economics but hard to
fit with current tools, and the extensions that we consider that Combine
hidden types (clustering) and rank data have not been addressed by
economists before as best we know. Bayesian inference and RJMCMC appears
generally under-utilized in econometrics. We hope that this paper will
lead to a sequence of case studies showing performance improvements over
former methods.
A: Paragraphs 4 and 5 in the introduction have
some details on this.
Reviewer 3:
Strengths R: This
model is new, as far as I know…
Weaknesses R: 1. Although
the model is original…approaches.
A: This is a fair comment. The
main motivation for types is the interpretability of the model for
practitioners (e.g. in econometrics you would like to categorize customers
to some types which provide different preference behavior.)
2. In section 1.2…"individual level inference".
A: We have
experiments to test the individual level inference, however, we couldn’t
conclude interpretable results and we think this is due to the limitations
of this data. We will weaken the claim in the text.
comments R: last paragraph..."taste shock"?
A: It is correct
that we continue to adopt a general random utility setting, however, our
methodology allows for the noise distributions to be from a wider set of
distributions, outside of the typical Type I extreme value distributional
R: section3.1... A: Thanks, we will make sure to
fix them.
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