Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The paper presents a streaming algorithm for inference
in topic models. After each mini-batch, the algorithm maintains the
posterior over the model parameter given the data seen thus far. This in
contrast to variational LDA where the quantity maintained is an
approximation to the posterior of the full data set (which require knowing
apriori the size of the dataset). The resulting algorithm can be used in
truly streaming settings, doesn't require setting learning rates and is
less sensitive to mini-batch size.
Overall this is an interesting
idea. Few comments:
1) regarding evaluation, I am a bit concerned
that you *only* ran with a Dirichlet parameter of 1 (line 312) over \beta
(topic word distribution). Usually values of .01, .1 or smaller are used
for this hyper-parameter to encourage sparse topics. In the SVI paper, a
value of .01 was used. I am really curious to see how things would change
as you vary that prior. Wouldn't that initial prior matter more in your
case since the batch size is more or less "given" thus the rate at which
this prior is overwritten is controlled by that parameter. In SVI the
learning rate would help to some degree. Some analysis is required here.
2) I think the main contribution of the paper is the departure
from approximating the final posterior to approximating the "running
3) You can still throw many threads at SVI and scale
it (just distribute the VI step over the documents in the mini-batch), why
not? Please update table 1 based on that.
4) You can still use
Hogwild style update over the natural gradient in SVI as well. Why not?
With that in mind I suggest framing the main contribution around 1
(which is great by itself) unless there is a good argument against 2 and 3
in SVI.
5) nit. You only ran the algorithm in multi-threaded mode.
Hogwild itself was proposed as a multi-threaded algorithm and getting
hogwild to run in truly distributed settings (across machines) is not
trivial with network delay and what not. Please discuss this in the paper.
6) It would help to see how the topics evolve as documents arrive
akin to the SVI paper.
Q2: Please summarize
your review in 1-2 sentences
A streaming inference algorithm for LDA using
variational Bayes recursive updates. Less sensitive to tuning parameters
than existing approaches (SVI) and gives comparable results. Few points in
the evaluation need to be discussed/considered to make sure that this
result carry over to other hyper-parameter settings. Submitted
by Assigned_Reviewer_5
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper presents an interesting idea.
It is very well-written and well-executed. It is a clear accept.
This was a fascinating paper. Thank you. I have
some comments and criticisms. I would appreciate a response in the
author rebuttal.
I agree with the main idea around your paper: SVI
cannot really be used in a true streaming setting because we have to
set D, the data set size. (Note: In the final version of our long
paper about SVI, we removed references to "streaming data" and cited
this as a point for future work.) Further issues with SVI are its
sensitivity to the learning rate and mini-batch size. Your taking the
perspective of incremental Bayesian updating, as an alternative to
SVI, is very elegant.
- You frame SVI as being "designed" for
the single pass setting (e.g., in the abstract, p5, and elsewhere).
This isn't our perspective about it. Rather, SVI repeatedly subsamples
mini-batches, with replacement, from the data set. In many
applications, a user may want to treat a single pass, divided into
mini-batches, as though this were the case. But note that this is
different from the original conception of the algorithm. I think you
should make this clear.
- If we were to use SVI in a streaming
setting and had to artificially set D, this would essentially interact
with setting the learning rate parameters. I suggest mentioning this
in your paper.
- The parallelized asynchronous component is very
nice, but the reader might mistakenly think here that it only applies
to SDA-Bayes. You should note, though it is not the subject of your
paper, that this innovation applies as easily to SVI. As with
SDA-Bayes, one can march forward with asynchronous updates (despite
the lack of theory) and speed up the algorithm.
- My reading
of the results is this. SDA-Bayes performs as well as SVI if we run
SVI with one pass through the data. It comes from a different
perspective about approximating the posterior, does not require
setting a learning rate, and handles infinite sets of data without
having to make up a data set size.
- That said, I'm not sure the
comparison to the multi-threaded version is fair. Doesn't that version
effectively set the minibatch size to 8,192 (32 * 256)? With that
minibatch size, how do the algorithms compare? (I emphasize that I
don't think it matters: getting around learning rates and D is a
significant contribution.)
- In showing how SVI is sensitive to
learning rate and D, I suggest putting SDA-Bayes (at the same
mini-batch size) as a horizontal line. This will emphasize that while
users must explore these parameters in SVI, they don't need to with
your algorithm.
Small comments:
- p4: "utilized" ->
"used" (optional, of course)
- p6: does [3] use a subset? It does
to compare to batch, but I believe we also analyzed the full Wikipedia
Citation to mention:
- Ranganath et al. have
worked on automatically setting learning rates in SVI:
Ranganath, C. Wang, D. Blei, and E. Xing. An adaptive learning rate
for stochastic variational inference. International Conference on
Machine Learning, 2013 Q2: Please summarize your
review in 1-2 sentences
This paper presents an interesting idea. It is very
well-written and well-executed. It is a clear accept.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The authors present a Streaming Distributed
Asynchronous (SDA) framework for variational Bayesian computation aimed at
analysis of large datasets. They assume a variational form q(θ) for the
posterior on model parameters that is exponential family, which they
express as q(θ) ∝ exp[ξ . T(θ)]. Note that this parameter vector ξ = (χ ν)
contains both the cumulant of the conjugate sufficient statistics χ and
the scale parameter ν. The authors then define a set of parameters ξ_0 for
the variational approximation of the prior p(θ), and make the observation
that when the data is split up into batches, independent posteriors ξ_b
for each batch may be combined to obtain a approximation for the posterior
on the aggregate data ξ = ξ_0 + Σ_b (ξ_b - ξ_0). Τhey propose an algorithm
where each new batch is used to update ξ_0, i.e. for each new batch prior
is taken to be the posterior after observation of the previous batch. Τhis
algorithm can be run in a distributed setting where each worker returns
Δξ_b = (ξ_b - ξ_0) to the master, which then updates its copy of ξ_0 <-
ξ_0 + Δξ_b accordingly.
Τhe proposed methodology is simple but
useful, primarily because it presents a trivial parallelization strategy
that may be applied to any algorithm that obtains an exponential family
estimate of a posterior p(θ | x). The main competitor to this method is
stochastic variational inference (SVI), a method that uses a stochastic
optimization based on a gradient estimate of the lower bound evidence. A
disadvantage of SVI, as the authors note, is that it is sensitive to
parameters for the total number of expected documents, batch size, and
step size. However I am not entirely convinced this is always a bad thing.
While tuning parameters can indeed be costly, having such tunable
parameters also makes a method more flexible. The presented results on LDA
are promising, but they are not sufficient to demonstrate that SDA can
match or exceed SVI results in a variety of domains while eliminating the
need for such tunable settings.
I would have also liked to have
seen a clearer motivation for the proposed distributed update scheme. When
comparing their chosen update scheme with one where ξ_0 is held constant
for each of the workers, the authors note that the "key difference between
the first and second frameworks proposed above is that, in the second, the
latest posterior is used as a prior. This latter framework is more in line
with the streaming update of Eq. (2) but introduces a new layer of
approximation". Unfortunately the implications of this approximation are
left unexplored, save for the otherwise unqualified statement that "we
find that the latter framework performs better in practice, so we focus on
it exclusively in what follows".
It would seem that the essential
difference between SDA and SVI is that in SDA ξ grows with the number of
documents, whereas the variational parameters have a fixed strength in
SVI. This implies that in SDA (1) the entropy of the posterior q(θ)
decreases as more data is seen, and that (2) convergence is ensured by
virtue of the fact that in later updates (ξ_b - ξ_0) << ξ_0. In SVI
convergence is achieved by annealing the step size to 0 and ξ has a fixed
strength determined by the total number of documents D, which in an
on-line setting one might interpret as a buffer size. It would be
interesting to see a more detailed analysis of which of these two
strategies is more effective in terms of ensuring rapid convergence while
avoiding local maxima.
In short I believe this may be a promising
approach to variational inference in large data sets, chiefly because it
is by design suitable to distributed inference in a map-reduce type
setting. However I do feel more thorough testing is needed before this
method can be considered a drop-in replacement for SVI.
Minor points / Questions
• I see no reason why SVI could not
be performed with distributed updates precisely in the manner proposed
here for SDA. Have the authors considered this scenario?
• Are the
authors using their own implementation of SVI in the analysis comparison,
Matt Hoffman's code
(http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~mdhoffma/code/onlineldavb.tar) or the Vowpal
Wabbit implementation (http://hunch.net/~vw)? Given that a run-time
comparison is performed, it would be desirable to state this explicitly
• The authors write that in SVI "the stochastic gradient is
computed for a single data point (document) at a time". This statement is
technically correct but somewhat confusing, since it suggests SVI is
performed on single data-points, not batches. Q2: Please
summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
This paper presents a simple and interesting approach
to variational inference in large datasets that is by design suitable to a
distributed map-reduce type setting, and at the same time eliminates the
step size parameters that need to be tuned in SVI. The experimental
results however, which only consider LDA, leave some question as to the
comparative strengths and weaknesses relative to SVI.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The paper proposes an inference framework (SDA) for
streaming data in the Bayesian setting. This framework exploits the
additive relationship between new data points and exponential family
natural parameters, yielding a Bayesian streaming/online update equation
that (a) does not require prior knowledge of the number of data points
(unlike SVI), (b) has fewer tuning parameters than SVI, and (c) in the
case of exact update equations, is perfectly suited to asynchronous
updates (though in practice, approximate update equations are used, making
the effect of asynchrony somewhat unclear). While SDA single-threaded
performance is about 4 times slower than SVI, SDA's lack of a need to tune
parameters and good asynchronous performance are promising for large-scale
distributed inference, particularly at large cluster sizes.
The arguments and derivations appear sound, while
the experimental evidence is adequate (though a wider variety of datasets
would have been welcome, such as the NY Times dataset). However, I found
the description of how SDA was applied to LDA using VB to be insufficient.
As a matter of completeness, the authors should have provided an explicit,
algorithmic description of how SDA uses VB to update the LDA natural
parameters, just as they did for EP in the appendix.
comment: In section 2.3, the authors claim that the "second framework
works better in practice", despite the fact it introduces additional
approximation. I wonder if this is simply a consequence of using VB, which
is a kind of local approximation? It seems that giving the workers a
recent (albeit inaccurate) version of the posterior parameters should
yield a better VB approximation than the prior parameters.
I found the writing to be somewhat lacking in
intuition, and a little difficult to follow. I felt as if the key ideas
were lost in the math and descriptions, and I had to read multiple passes
before I could appreciate the value of SDA.
While the idea of updating natural family parameters is not new
within statistics, its application to streaming data on complex models
that require approximating distributions is new to me. I would say the
paper is original in the context of large-scale machine learning on
complex models.
I believe SDA provides
significant utility for large-scale ML, despite being slower than SVI
currently. SDA is closer to "working out of the box" than SVI, because SDA
has no tuning parameters and does not depend on the number of documents.
The fact that SDA can be run asynchronously is a big plus at large
scales. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
SDA provides significant usability advantages over
SVI, though it is currently slower. Some technical and clarity issues
detract from the paper's quality, but I nevertheless found it
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We are very grateful to the reviewers for their
insightful comments, helpful suggestions, and errors spotted. On a general
note, we agree with the reviewers that our main goal was to demonstrate a
method for calculating the "running posterior" as opposed to a single
posterior. We meant for the distributed, asynchronous part to show that
our algorithm can be run quickly and robustly in practice, not to
differentiate it from SVI. We will endeavor to make this distinction more
clear throughout the text. We agree that SVI's computations may be
distributed asynchronously, as for general stochastic gradient descent. We
respond to other comments in more detail below.
1) I am a bit concerned that you *only* ran with a Dirichlet
parameter of 1 (line 312) over \beta (topic word distribution). Usually
values of .01, .1 or smaller are used for this hyper-parameter
Thank you for noticing this discrepancy. We will examine more
carefully how the value of eta affects both SDA-Bayes and SVI in further
5) nit. You only ran the algorithm in multi-threaded
mode. Hogwild itself was proposed as a multi-threaded algorithm and
getting hogwild to run in truly distributed settings (across machines) is
not trivial with network delay and what not. Please discuss this in the
It is fair to note we use multiple processors rather than
multiple machines. However, we feel that discussing this in more depth
would be somewhat far from the main thrust of the paper (the running
approximation). We do hope to work in distributed settings across machines
in the future, particularly given that our algorithm is naturally suited
to a map-reduce implementation.
6) It would help to see how the
topics evolve as documents arrive akin to the SVI paper.
would be interesting for future work (in particular, if the dataset is
changing over time), but our focus in this paper was to demonstrate an
inference algorithm and not really to delve too far into topic models.
- You frame SVI as being "designed" for the
single pass setting (e.g., in the abstract, p5, and elsewhere).
Thank you for pointing out this mistake; we agree and will correct
our wording.
- That said, I'm not sure the comparison to the
multi-threaded version is fair. Doesn't that version effectively set the
minibatch size to 8,192 (32 * 256)? With that minibatch size, how do the
algorithms compare?
This is true. Our main goal with the
multi-threaded version was to show that SDA-Bayes can be run in a
reasonable amount of time (which we believe is key to practical
streaming). For minibatch size, all of our lines in Figure 3 are for the
single-thread case to facilitate direct comparison between SVI and SDA
across this dimension.
- p6: does [3] use a subset? It does to
compare to batch, but I believe we also analyzed the full Wikipedia
Thank you for calling this error in our discussion to our
• The presented results on LDA are
promising, but they are not sufficient to demonstrate that SDA can match
or exceed SVI results in a variety of domains while eliminating the need
for such tunable settings.
We disagree that eliminating the SVI
tuning parameters is the main contribution of this paper. Rather, we see
this work as solving fundamentally different problems from SVI: finding a
running posterior, working out of the box for (any) model that already has
a batch approximation in the same exponential family as the prior, and
doing these things in reasonable time.
• I would have also liked
to have seen a clearer motivation for the proposed distributed update
We hope to examine this interesting phenomenon more
carefully in future work. We hypothesize that this effect may occur due to
the lack of identifiability between different permutations of topics.
Using the latest posterior for each minibatch calculation may help focus
down a particular permutation rather than averaging over all permutations.
But this is merely conjecture.
• It would be interesting to see a
more detailed analysis of which of these two strategies is more effective
in terms of ensuring rapid convergence while avoiding local maxima.
We believe that convergence in SVI is fundamentally different from
inference in SDA-Bayes. In the SVI case, D' data points (with D' <<
D) might be sufficient to quickly estimate the posterior for D data
points. In the SDA-Bayes case, the number of data points processed
corresponds to the size of the posterior being estimated.
• Are
the authors using their own implementation of SVI in the analysis
On line 310, we note that we use Matt Hoffman's code
and give a link in citation [17].
• The authors write that in SVI
"the stochastic gradient is computed for a single data point (document) at
a time". This statement is technically correct but somewhat confusing,
since it suggests SVI is performed on single data-points, not batches.
We will correct this misleading wording.
• The
experimental results however, which only consider LDA, leave some question
as to the comparative strengths and weaknesses relative to SVI.
preferred to study a single model in depth rather than say little about
many models given the constrained space. We do hope to address other
interesting, complex models in future work. We also note that the original
SVI paper focused exclusively on LDA, a model of significant current
- As a matter of completeness, the
authors should have provided an explicit, algorithmic description of how
SDA uses VB to update the LDA natural parameters, just as they did for EP
in the appendix.
Excellent idea. We are happy to provide more
detail in an additional appendix for our derivations.
- Minor
comment: In section 2.3, the authors claim that the "second framework
works better in practice", despite the fact it introduces additional
Please see our response to Reviewer_6.
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