Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper presented a method to enable the generation
of robust plans with partially specified domain models. The motivation of
this research topic is well stated. The main contribution of this work is
the formalization of the notion of plan robustness with respect to an
incomplete domain model. The paper is clearly written and should the
general interest for the broad NIPS audience. Here are some comments in
hope to help improve the paper in the revision.
The authors nicely
listed a spectrum of problems related to robust planning under incomplete
domain models. But the main focus in the remaining paper was about the
robustness assessment (RA) problem, without detailed discussions on the
other problems. This way makes a paper appear to be a bit disconnected. If
I understand it correctly, the simulation results are contingent on the
weights associated with actions. It is unclear to me how the weights are
defined or learned. It would be good to clarify this issue in the paper.
In the simulation result section, it would be nice to show the results
from robust planning with complete domain model. Minor point Add a
brief description about the meaning of numbers in the caption of the two
result tables.
Q2: Please summarize your review in
1-2 sentences
This is a solid paper to address an interesting
problem. The paper is clearly written and should the general interest for
the broad NIPS audience. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper considers the problem of planning under
incomplete domain models. The authors formalize domain incompleteness,
discuss how to generate robust plans using conformant probabilistic
planning, and compare robustness to solving time and plan quality in two
test domains.
Clarity: The paper is very well written and the
authors do a great job at explaining all of the details both formally and
informally. Although I am mostly unfamiliar with planning research, I was
able to follow along fairly well and understand the contributions.
Organization is good and the example at the top of page 4 is great, but I
believe that on line 177, the "fifth candidate model" described is
actually the second candidate model given by the table in Figure 2.
Quality: What I like most about this paper is that the
incompleteness formulation is very intuitive and easy to understand. A
practioner should be able to read the paper and integrate the ideas into
their own planning problem without too much worry. Theorems of
completeness and correctness are also stated. However, perhaps the biggest
drawback is the lack of proofs, particularly for Theorem 1. While I agree
with the authors that there is no space in the main body of the paper to
include proofs, the authors really should have included them as
supplementary material.
Originality: While there are some
similarities here to other work, the authors do discuss this in the
related work section and I believe that the proposed formulation for
incompleteness is adequately original and worthy of publication. The
authors clearly state how their work differs from previous contributions.
Significance: I believe the contributions of this paper are
important to the NIPS community. Robust planning is an under-studied
problem and the authors address this difficult challenge in a intuitive
manner. With that said, I am concerned with the applicability of their
formulation beyond toy problems. Their formulation results in an
exponential blow up in the size of the problem. In addition, experiments
are only performed in toy domains that appear to have been created by the
authors specifically for this paper. I presume that with the lack of
research into planning in incomplete models, there are no standard domains
to run experiments in. However, I am concerned that the approach will be
completely infeasible in large domains that arise in the wild. In very
large domains, can we ever hope to guarantee a high level of robustness,
or are we simply going to be satisfied in just finding a valid plan? How
badly do planners such as PFF suffer from such an exponential blowup
resulting from the set of all possible complete domain models?
Typos: - Line 113: "with respects to..." - Line 135:
"Makov Logic Networks" - Line 430 or 431: "constrasting"
I am glad to hear that
proofs will be appearing in a later document. If the Ph.D. proposal will
not be accessible soon, I suggest attaching the proofs as supplementary
material to the camera-ready paper if this paper is accepted. While I am
still somewhat concerned about the applicability beyond toy problems, this
is a good first step and future work with heuristics could potentially
improve things. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
A good, clearly written paper that addresses an
important problem in an intuitive fashion. While it is likely that these
ideas are valuable to the planning community, proofs of theorems are
absent and it is not clear how applicable the approach is beyond toy
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This is an interesting paper that takes on an
important weakness of planning methods that makes their application to
modern applications difficult - that of having incomplete domain models.
The authors model a specific type of incompleteness wherein the designer
has some idea of what the unknowns might be, but can't be sure of the
exact realized state or other specific quantitative information. This
gives us a formulation wherein we look at paths in a probabilistic sense,
under the generous execution semantics. This then allows the authors to
analyse the problem in terms of model counting, constraint satisfaction
and so on, while also allowing for graphical model methods to be used in
Much of this is standard fare these days in areas
such as Markov Decision Processes, including the translation into
graphical models and solution by inference methods. As the authors note at
the very end, the innovation here is in dealing with planning in the sense
of operators and factored models.
In my view, I do not believe
there is any supplementary material which is where I would have expected
to see formal proofs of the theorems. Indeed, the ideas are discussed but
it was unclear to me if there was also going to be a formal version.
Lastly, I like the multiple problem types that are formulated.
However, I would have expected to see some of these connected to specific
implementations in terms of how an MLN or BN exploits the stated
formulation in the context of the requirements, e.g., that we are
searching for paths above a robustness level. While I see the model
formulation at the level it is described, I wonder if there are anymore
noteworthy points by the time we are implementing these things in detail,
especially given the complexity of the general version of the underlying
computational process. Q2: Please summarize your review
in 1-2 sentences
This is an interesting paper that takes on the problem
of incomplete models in a planning paradigm. It would have been
interesting to see some more details, but I realize that a lot has already
been packed in. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The requirement of domain completeness has indeed
become the bottleneck of applications of planning techniques in many
real-world domains, such as web service composition, intrusion detection.
This paper aims at removing this requirement by constructing robust plans
when domains are incomplete. This is a significant contribution.
However, this paper assumes sets of possible preconditions and
effects (as well as their weights) are provided as input. This assumption
is kind of strong. It would be better if we could see some potential
applications (related to this assumption) in real world application
Did you consider the mutual constraints between single
effects and conditional effects in each action when compiling incomplete
domain models to CPP models? (I didn't see any explicit description of
these constraints.) If not, it is difficult to explain the rationale of
the robustness measure since you may take "wrong" domain models into
account when doing model counting.
I think an example would be
very helpful for readers to understand about the compilation result at the
end of Section 4.2.
How many planning problems did you solve for
each setting? Does "l/t" mean the "average" length and running time,
page 2: as followed => as
page 3, what kind of additional knowledge do we need when
modeling possible preconditions/effects using MLNs?
page 7.
"Table 3 and 4" => "Tables 3 and 4"; Captions of "Figure 3" and "Figure
4" should be "Table 3" and "Table 4".
would suggest a weak accept (although the problem is interesting, the
problem assumption is lack of motivating applications, and questions
related to mutual constraints and experimental settings (as far as I
am concerned, these questions are important), are unclear to
me). Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
The paper breaks new ground in a new direction, but
makes too many strong assumptions about the action representation that may
or may not hold in the real world. Some examples would help convince
readers better.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank the reviewers for the helpful comments, and
we’re gratified that our work was seen as important and interesting.
We apologize for not attaching the proofs as supplementary
materials. This is the first time we submitted to NIPS and we didn’t
realize that supplements were allowed. All the proofs are in the first
author’s Ph.D. proposal. We include a proof sketch for Theorem 2 at the
end of this write-up.
Reviewer 1: The robustness of plans is
defined assuming that weights on incompleteness annotations are provided.
We envision that, similar to probabilistic modeling (e.g., using Bayesian
networks), those weights must be either specified by the domain writers or
learned automatically. While we did not discuss this topic in our paper,
we think that it is an important research topic. We will clarify this
issue in the revised version.
On the question of the performance
of classical planners on our problems: We tried to use FF, a popular
planner for classical planning (which, in particular, requires complete
domains as input), to solve the planning problems in our experiment
section when all annotations are ignored. One thing to note is that
ignoring possible preconditions or delete effects makes the problems
easier, and ignoring add effects makes them harder. Because of this, while
FF is at least able to produce valid (if not robust) solutions in
Logistics domains, it fails to solve any problems in the Satellite domains
(thus, effectively producing plans with robustness zero).
robustness of plans returned by FF in Logistics domains, however, is
always worse than those returned by the compilation approach.
Specifically, plans returned in all five variants of the Logistics domains
were always 0.3, the failure probability of individual incomplete action
schema “load-truck-with-robot-of-Mi”. Since load actions are considered
complete, the FF planner uses those related to only one manufacturer, thus
does not recognize any opportunity to increase plan robustness. Our
compilation approach produces plans with higher robustness, up to (at
least) 0.8 probability of success in the largest instance (as shown in
Figure 3). It does this by continuously trying load actions performed by
multiple types of robots (but with the cost of increasing plan lengths).
Reviewer 2: While we think the compilation approach is a good
starting point for this problem, we are also currently working on a
heuristic approach to tame the combinatorics. This new approach directly
takes the incompleteness annotations into account in the context of a
heuristic planner.
Reviewer 3: As we mentioned in the paper, we
believe that modeling correlation between incompleteness annotations using
Markov Logic networks or Bayesian networks, though interesting from the
modeling point of view, in fact requires significant additional effort
from the domain writers. We think that it may thus be less helpful in
practice. We however note that since Probabilistic-FF already assumes
initial belief states to be modeled with Bayesian networks, robust
planning with correlated annotations can, in principle, be handled using
our compilation approach.
Proof (sketch) for Theorem 2: There is
one-to-one mapping between each candidate complete model D_i and a
(complete) state s’_{i0} in the initial belief state b_I of the compiled
problem. Moreover, if D_i has a probability Pr(D_i) to be the real model,
then s’_{i0} also has the same probability in the belief state b_I.
Given our projection over complete model D_i (defined in Section
2), executing plan pi from the state I with respect to D_i results in a
sequence of complete state (s_{i1}, ..., s_{i(n+1)}). On the other hand,
executing pi' from s’_{i0} in the compiled problem results in a sequence
of (singleton) belief states ({ s’_{i1} }, ..., { s’_{i(n+1)} }). By
induction we can show that for every proposition p in F and step index j
in {0, 1, …, n+1}, p is true in s’_{ij} if and only if it is true in
s_{ij}. Therefore, the complete state s_{i(n+1)} achieves goals G if and
only if s’_{i(n+1)} achieves G = G'.
Since all actions a’_i in the
compiled problem are deterministic and s’_{i0} has probability Pr(D_i) of
being in the belief state b_I, the probability that the plan pi' achieves
G' is equal to the summation of Pr(D_i) such that s’_{i(n+1)} achieves G,
which in turn is equal to the robustness of plan pi (as defined in
Equation 2). This proves the theorem.
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