A Humanlike Predictor of Facial Attractiveness

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19 (NIPS 2006)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Amit Kagian, Gideon Dror, Tommer Leyvand, Daniel Cohen-or, Eytan Ruppin


This work presents a method for estimating human facial attractiveness, based on supervised learning techniques. Numerous facial features that describe facial geometry, color and texture, combined with an average human attractiveness score for each facial image, are used to train various predictors. Facial attractiveness ratings produced by the final predictor are found to be highly correlated with human ratings, markedly improving previous machine learning achievements. Simulated psychophysical experiments with virtually manipulated images reveal preferences in the machine's judgments which are remarkably similar to those of humans. These experiments shed new light on existing theories of facial attractiveness such as the averageness, smoothness and symmetry hypotheses. It is intriguing to find that a machine trained explicitly to capture an operational performance criteria such as attractiveness rating, implicitly captures basic human psychophysical biases characterizing the perception of facial attractiveness in general.