REMAP: Recursive Estimation and Maximization of A Posteriori Probabilities - Application to Transition-Based Connectionist Speech Recognition

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8 (NIPS 1995)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Yochai Konig, Hervé Bourlard, Nelson Morgan


In this paper, we introduce REMAP, an approach for the training and estimation of posterior probabilities using a recursive algorithm that is reminiscent of the EM-based Forward-Backward (Liporace 1982) algorithm for the estimation of sequence likelihoods. Al(cid:173) though very general, the method is developed in the context of a statistical model for transition-based speech recognition using Ar(cid:173) tificial Neural Networks (ANN) to generate probabilities for Hid(cid:173) den Markov Models (HMMs). In the new approach, we use local conditional posterior probabilities of transitions to estimate global posterior probabilities of word sequences. Although we still use ANNs to estimate posterior probabilities, the network is trained with targets that are themselves estimates of local posterior proba(cid:173) bilities. An initial experimental result shows a significant decrease in error-rate in comparison to a baseline system.