Kernel quadrature with DPPs

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019)

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Ayoub Belhadji, Rémi Bardenet, Pierre Chainais


We study quadrature rules for functions living in an RKHS, using nodes sampled from a projection determinantal point process (DPP). DPPs are parametrized by a kernel, and we use a truncated and saturated version of the RKHS kernel. This natural link between the two kernels, along with DPP machinery, leads to relatively tight bounds on the quadrature error, that depends on the spectrum of the RKHS kernel. Finally, we experimentally compare DPPs to existing kernel-based quadratures such as herding, Bayesian quadrature, or continuous leverage score sampling. Numerical results confirm the interest of DPPs, and even suggest faster rates than our bounds in particular cases.