Independent Component Analysis of Intracellular Calcium Spike Data

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (NIPS 1998)

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Klaus Prank, Julia Börger, Alexander von zur Mühlen, Georg Brabant, Christof Schöfl


Calcium (Ca2+)is an ubiquitous intracellular messenger which reg(cid:173) ulates cellular processes, such as secretion, contraction, and cell proliferation. A number of different cell types respond to hormonal stimuli with periodic oscillations of the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). These Ca2+ signals are often organized in complex temporal and spatial patterns even under conditions of sustained stimulation. Here we study the spatio-temporal as(cid:173) pects of intracellular calcium ([Ca 2+]i) oscillations in clonal J3-cells (hamster insulin secreting cells, HIT) under pharmacological stim(cid:173) ulation (Schofi et al., 1996). We use a novel fast fixed-point al(cid:173) gorithm (Hyvarinen and Oja, 1997) for Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to blind source separation of the spatio-temporal dynamics of [Ca2+]i in a HIT-cell. Using this approach we find two significant independent components out of five differently mixed in(cid:173) put signals: one [Ca2+]i signal with a mean oscillatory period of 68s and a high frequency signal with a broadband power spectrum with considerable spectral density. This results is in good agree(cid:173) ment with a study on high-frequency [Ca2+]j oscillations (Palus et al., 1998) Further theoretical and experimental studies have to be performed to resolve the question on the functional impact of intracellular signaling of these independent [Ca2+]i signals.